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Silk Travel Guide



By Cengiz Selçukon August 16, 2020

We are in İpek, the beautiful city of Kosovo and the Balkans. he has many names. We call it Silk. Albanians say Peja, (Peya) Serbs say Pec (Pech). Waiting for its visitors in a hidden corner of Kosovo, İpek creates a beautiful route with its green nature, clean air, historical past and local flavors.. We had the chance to explore this city built on the skirts of Rugova Canyon for a short time and we prepared İpek Travel Guide.. (Silk : Albanian: Peja or Pejë; Bosnian: Peć; Serbian: Peć / Пећ; Ottoman Turkish: ايپك).

While wandering in its streets and bazaars, seeing and exploring many items from our own country The city of Ipek, which we are not strangers to, is just like an Anatolian city.. If you came to my blog with this page for the first time, you should definitely see the Prizren Travel Guide notes.. For the city built by the Lumbardhi river, let’s look at Silk History, Where is Silk, Where to Stay in İpek?, What to Eat in İpek?, Places to Visit in Silk, respectively, under the headings below. :

Silk History

12 in the Silk Region. It has an important place in Serbian history as it is the place where the patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which was founded in the 16th century, was founded.. First placements 6. and lived with Slavic migrations in the 7th century. Ottoman domination in the region started the Kosovo War in 1389.. However, it was confirmed from various sources that non-Muslim Turkish settlements (such as Hungarians) were in the region before this date..

The independence of İpek and Kosovo, just like Prizren, was the result of wars in the region as a result of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.. The Sanjak Region, which is still within the borders of Serbia and where the largest Muslim population in the Balkans lives, is very close to this city..

Another information about the history of silk is that there are heirloom structures from the Ottoman Empire in the city.. Mosques, bazaars and other Ottoman traces continue to make it our city.. İpekli Tahir Efendi’s hometown is İpek, the father of our national anthem poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy..

How to go to İpek?

The most convenient option to reach İpek from our country is to use Pristine Airport, which is the only airport in Kosovo.. There are regular flights from Istanbul to Pristine.

The most practical solution for transportation from the airport is to rent a car.. As a solution, you can rent on the Sixt rent a car website with options starting from 25 Euros per day.. For public transportation to Ipek, you can take a taxi (15 km) to Pristina, which is close to the airport, and use the buses departing from the bus station there (see: Pristina bus station).. Ipek is close to cities such as Tirana, Skopje, Pristina, Prizren, Podgorica and Belgrade.. Most itineraries form a tour that includes these cities. You can also think of a similar route, determine your outbound or return route through Kosovo and make a plan covering different countries within 3-5 days.

Our route started with Pristina and was in the form of Prizren, Peç, Sarajevo, Mostar, Kotor and Tirana. Just be careful when creating your route, you can cross from Serbia to Kosovo territory, but not from Kosovo to Serbia. Unfortunately, the post-war problems between the two countries are not completely resolved.. Therefore, just in case, Serbia should not be included in your itinerary.

We used a private vehicle for the visit.. However, according to the information we learned, it takes 50 minutes bus ride to
Gjakova, 2,5 € Pristina – 1.5 hours bus ride, 4 € Prizren – approximately 2 hours bus ride 4 €. If you are in the city, you can use a taxi, as far as we learned, there are no scary prices..

Where to Stay in İpek?

When you spend 2 days with a night’s accommodation in İpek, you will have fully explored the city.. We can specify the center of İpek as the place marked as Bazaar Of Peja (Silk Bazaar).. Accommodation option close to this area will provide you with transportation advantage..

Hotel Cardak, Hotel Korza, Gold Hotel, Stone Bridge Guesthouse, Hotel Seraphine Plaza and Hotel Dukagjini are prominent accommodation establishments in the city.. For price inquiries and reservations, you can make a reservation by using the search engine Agoda Hotel Search.

Dining at İpek

We say you won’t go hungry in Kosovo. İpek owns this discourse with praise.. Not only in İpek, but also in the Balkan lands, there are many options suitable for our taste.. Let our starting point be sweet then. For those who will ask why, it is an indispensable element like the main meal in a sweet meal in the region.. There is a menu without soup, but not without dessert..

Ëmbeltore Adriatik : We say dessert and start with dessert. The family business, operated for 3 generations since 1974, has the honor of being the sweetest patisserie of İpek.. The patisserie shop run by my wife’s Uncle Asim is a good opportunity for you to try local flavors.. While Smokvica, Baklava and Frigo are the prominent flavors, I should mention that the best boza of İpek is produced here.. While you’re here, don’t forget to send our greetings from Turkey Google Location : William Walker no. 22, Pejë

Era Restaurant: One of the most beautiful restaurants in İpek with city view Era. It has a wide menu from fish to kebab accompanied by the view of İpek from the hill.. Era Google Location: 12 Qershori 1999, Pejë 30000

Shtepia Alpike Ranch: There is another location, Shtepia, located on a hill overlooking the city.. What distinguishes the venue, which has a similar concept to the above Era, is that it covers a park with Adventure events..

The Coffee House Peja: As the name suggests, The Coffee House, which is a coffee shop, can be considered as a place to take a rest after taking a short tour in the bazaar.. You can use it not only as a coffee, but also with an oven and various cuisine menus.. The Coffee House Google Location: Sheshi Haxhi Zeka, Pejë

Art Design : Sometimes an image can change a lot. Art Design can make you happy with a pleasant meal as the restaurant that stands out with the design of the region.. Art Design Google Location: Adem Jashari, Peja

Kulla e Zenel Beut: Next is the restaurant with the most reviews in the city. Being one of the most commented places may cause you to choose this place.. Speaking of food options, Ipek has a beer named Peja (pronounced peya) named after her.. You can see it in many places in the city.. You are in the city suitable for tasting.

Places to Visit in İpek

We have listed the places to visit in İpek below, in order.

Bayrakli Mosque (Xhamia e Pejës)

One of the most important works of the Ottomans in İpek. 15. The mosque, which was built in the 19th century, was under restoration by TIKA, the institution of our country, during our visit.. Construction of the Mosque II. It is known that it was dedicated to Mehmed the Conqueror.. It is also called Çarşı or İpek/Peja Mosque.

Peja Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Peja)

We mentioned at the beginning of the article that the region has a historical importance by the Serbs.. And this element is 13 to 14.. It is the Orthodox Patriarchate established in the region between the centuries. The Patriarchate and its ruins are on the UNESCO World Heritage list and are under protection..

Silk Bazaar

Silk Bazaar is one of the most crowded places in the city as a bazaar where jewelers and retailers are located on the lower floors of 2-storey buildings, just like the bazaars we see in Anatolian cities.. At the other end of the bazaar, Çarşı Mosque (Bayraklı) will greet you.. I think the only thing that will bother your eyes here will be the electrical cables running along the street..

If you ask what to buy from İpek or Kosovo, we are sure that you will find something in this bazaar..

Rugova Canyon

If you are in Kosovo and the city of İpek, we definitely think that you are in a plan for the Rugova Canyon. Rugova İpek, a river canyon in the Albanian Alps on the border with Montenegro, is one of the must-see places.. With a length of 25 km and a depth of almost 1000 meters, it is among the widest not only of the region but also of Europe.. You will see countless natural beauties along the M9 highway that runs through the canyon..

We recommend that you stop by the Tourist Information Office and get detailed information before you set off.

White Drin Waterfall (Ujëvara e Drinit të Bardhë)

North of Silk In the Rodac region close to the M106 highway, there is a waterfall of the same name, the source of the Dirini river.. There are many touristic establishments and restaurants on the river.. Drin Waterfall Location

There is another natural beauty cave called Radaci in the same region.. For detailed information

Other Places to Visit

Apart from the above mentioned historical mansion in İpek, close to Haxhi Zeka square in the center and used as an Ethnography museum Konaku i Tahir Beut, Historical windmill Mulliri i Haxhi Zekës, Tahtalı Mosque, which draws attention with its first construction and name, Kurşunlu Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in the city, and Defterdar Mosque are among the historical places to see..

Silk in Short

=> The population of the city of Silk is estimated at 190,000 people. This figure makes the city one of the largest cities in Kosovo..

=> İpek is adjacent to Sanjak, the region with the largest Muslim population in the Balkans.. Sanjak region is located in Serbian territory..

=> The other city adjacent to the city of İpek is Yakova. In Yakova, an old Turkish city, the Old Bazaar, Hasan Baba Tomb, Mahmut Pasha Mosque, Clock Tower, Sheikh Emin Tekke, Bektashi Lodge, Ethnography Museum and Hadım Mosque are the touristic points that attract attention..

=> Silk and therefore Kosovo’s tastes will make you happy during your visit. Dishes such as Sujuk Nut, Pastries, Kebabs, Meatballs and Pan with Vegetables, İmam Bayildi, Ciza Pepper are prominent.. In short, you can have a quince belly with chubby cheeks on your way back from Kosovo..

=> You can choose the spring months for your visit to the city of Silk. 1 night stay, 2 days will be enough for you.

=> Kosovo and therefore İpek is visa free for Turkish Citizens. You can easily put your passport in your pocket and get on your plane..

=> The city of Silk is one of the few European cities that will not upset you in terms of budget.. In Kosovo, which uses the Euro currency, you have to eat a lot to exceed the cost of 15 Euros per person in many restaurants you go to.

=> Honey days fair in September and liberation day festivals are held in June in the city..

=> The city also has a beer with the same name. There are no factory tours yet, but they have shown their name at many events.

=> Let’s share the municipality’s page for you to follow up-to-date information and announcements:

I hope you enjoyed our Silk/Peja/Peje/Pec notes. We would be very pleased if you follow us through the channels below..

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A bird’s eye view of Silk images below. Maybe you can take a look.

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Ouzo’s Birthplace Plomari, Mytilene




Greece‘s greenest island Lesbos owes its green nature to water resources. Lesbos, the third largest island of the country, has lush forests, water springs, tiny canyons, endemic plants and incredible mountain views.

The island’s second largest city, Plomari, is and places that manage to stay away from the negative effects of urbanization due to its geographical location.. When you say the second largest city of the island, Plomari is not a city-like place.. The size that we can call the largest town or seaside resort in Turkey.. With its scattering mountain villages, the population of 7 thousand finds it difficult.

Plomari Square

With its pristine beaches, historical wooden houses, small taverns, plane and olive trees, coffee houses and views, Plomari journey is one of the best options to get away from it all.. No matter how crowded and active the center of Lesbos is, Plomari experiences the opposite.

The birthplace of Barbaros

As Captain-i Derya, the first captain of the Ottoman Empire Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha, who was the pasha and the great admiral, was born in Plomari in 1473.. Although there is no trace of Barbaros in Plomari, this name is very important for the history of the seafaring town.

Akrasi, Ampeliko, Megalohori, Neohori, Paleohori, which is known as Plomaritohoria on the south coast of Lesbos The town, consisting of the villages of Plagia, Trigonas, has a strategic location.. Dominating Chios in Greece and Karaburun in Izmir, the town has a deep-rooted trade tradition.

Beautiful photos can be taken in the side streets of Plomari

The place where ouzo and olive oil soap were first produced


Within the Greek islands, 19. Turning into one of the most important centers of industry, commerce, production and maritime trade in the mid-century, Plomari is also the place where the Greek national drink ouzo was first produced.. Today, just like raki, the quality of ouzo is measured by the water used.. Since Plomari has the best quality drinking water sources in the geography of Greece, the aroma it adds to ouzo is noticed everywhere.. There is no production today, except for a few ouzo workshops.. Plomari, with its beaches and cultural tourism, is a region where European, American and Turkish tourists spend more time in high season.. Since it is not very well known, the region, which is not crowded and uncomplicated, is ideal for those who want to relax and have a peaceful holiday. Ouzo, which he throws, is consumed in a similar way in coffee houses today.. Drinks thrown together while playing backgammon or chatting with friends accompany the pleasant conversation.. Unlike Turkey, the coffeehouse culture in Greece also includes the offering of liquor.

ouzos produced in Plomari

Because of the ouzo production, it is between Lesbos and Plomari. there is serious competition. What makes the cute town one step ahead of this competition is the quality water source and the qualified anise grown in the region with aromatic plants.. It is possible to count Pitsiladi, Yannaçi, Varvayani and Plomari/Isidoro Arvaniti among the ouzos that have become brands in the town.

Things to do in Plomari

The so-called ‘old town’ in the center of the town, which is one of the oldest settlements on the island, is where you can witness typical Greek architecture.. Two-story, bay window, mostly wooden houses line the narrow streets.. It is essential to enjoy walking among the historical houses on quiet and calm streets without traffic noise and to breathe the atmosphere of the town.

There are many shops, shops and coffee houses around the big plane tree in the city square.. After wandering the streets, it is quite enjoyable to relax, have a drink and chat with the local people.

The beaches, each carrying the blue flag, which are chirpy in the summer season, are an unforgettable experience for those who love sea, sand and sun holidays.. Agios Isidoros Beach is shown among the few beaches not only in the region but also in Greece.

Oceanis Cafe

Make sure to try frappe, one of the cold drinks consumed by the Greeks.. Iced coffee, which is prepared by adding milk and sugar according to preference, is available in cafes and coffee houses in every corner of the town.. One of my suggestions is the Oceanis Cafe, where we sit to drink frappe with its stylish design.. Souffle is around 3€, waffle is around 4€, frappe is around 2€, Turkish (Greek) coffee is around 1.5€.. When you sit in all restaurants and cafes, a large glass of water is offered free of charge.. Get immersed in life by sitting in the cafes that stretch towards the beach and the port.

There are 3 different museums in the town that appeal to enthusiasts. Varvayianni Ouzo Museum, Lomari Isidoros Arvanitis Ouzo Museum and Soap Museum are must-sees to see the most important production tools for this town.. The hospitality and warm welcome at the museums make people happy.

Where to stay in Plomari

There are nearly 25 accommodation options in the charming town.. Among these places that can be preferred according to the budget and accommodation concept, there is also a hostel, a luxury studio.. So before you go, decide exactly what kind of place you want to stay.. I stayed at Frini Studios on my trip to Plomari. There is a special 10 percent discount for Keşfetsek at the property that got full marks from me for its hospitality and approach.. Check out my Frini Studios post for discount details and a closer look at the facility.

The Mytilene-Plomari Road

How to get to Plomari


Plomari is 42 km from the center of the island of Lesvos.. Due to the nature of the road, this journey takes approximately 50 minutes by private vehicle.. In order to go to this town from Turkey, it is necessary to take a ferry from Ayvalık to Lesbos.. After the ferry ride that takes 1 hour and 15 minutes, the port of Lesbos is reached.. There is a municipal bus service between Mytilene and Plomari that runs 3-4 times a day.. However, without the hassle of the city bus, choose a pleasant journey by renting a car and being included in the nature view.

Plomari with its unspoiled nature, friendly people, historical structures, magnificent beaches, ouzo, olive oil and soap >, one of the most beautiful corners of Lesbos. Those planning a trip to Mytilene should spend a few days in this beautiful town.

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Nepal Arrival




After our tiring and intense trip to India, we got out of the chaos and arrived in Nepal, where we said “oh there is a world”. We had a comfortable journey to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, with a 55-minute flight from Varanasi.. Nepal is 3 hours 20 minutes ahead of Turkey and 15 minutes ahead of India.

From Victoria Subirano’s book named A teacher in Kathmandu so that you can get an idea before you come to Nepal. you can watch the movie “A Mirror in the Sky” which he freely inspired. It is the film that reveals how the education system in Nepal works, poverty and mysticism.

Kathmandu is located in the valley at the confluence of the Vishnumati and Bagmati rivers.. There are dozens of temples hidden between its streets.. While it is difficult to breathe from the exhaust fumes in its narrow streets, it is certain that you will discover many things in the company of colorful shops, peddlers, bookshops and local people.

A blend of 2 religions, It is very possible to see that Buddhism and Hinduism coexist in the country where it is intertwined, and this unity is reflected even in objects and temples.. Whether Buddhist or Hindu, everyone can easily perform their daily rituals according to their religious beliefs.. There are enough temples in the city. Someone who goes to work or wanders around the streets completes his prayer by ringing the bell in the tiny temple on the street and applying the red paint inside the temple to his forehead.. A person who has prayed has red paint on his forehead. When you see this, know that that person has prayed. Let’s not forget that the main element of flower worship. During the worship we witnessed in temples, they offer flowers to their gods and light candles.

We were surprised that the fruits we ate did not taste salty, although agriculture is the livelihood of the country.. Especially when we say that the banana is disgusting that we have not eaten in our life, we say it’s like straw, we ate a banana that tasted just like that.. We got our Nepal visa quickly and very easily at the airport for 25 USD (15 days). They came to meet us because our hotel had a pick-up service.. We arrived at our hotel without the need to take a taxi.

We wrote the details and places we visited in separate sections to be more descriptive.

But first, let’s list the must-haves and some information you need to know for those who are considering coming to Nepal:

Take a mask. Too much air pollution in the city. If you don’t want to walk in dust and smoke, take your mask.
Bring walking shoes. The roads are very bad and dusty.. If you don’t want your nails to get dirty, wear sneakers.
Those who come to Nepal by plane should get a free map from the airport.. The map you will get from the hotels is not very descriptive and guiding.
Visit the bookstores in the Thamel area. There is a wide variety of books, magazines and many products for anyone interested in books, not just travelers.
Buy LP-Nepal. If not, you can find it in Thamel.. But those who do not want to buy definitely need a guide in the temple areas.. But for me, the temples and the figures carved on the temple do not mean anything, if you only want to take pictures of them, you do not even need a guide.. They charge up to 100 rs from tourists, don’t give more than 25 rs. For your information! Locals don’t like discounts in Kathmandu.
. If you are going to shop, know that they sell you exponentially more expensive.
Although not everywhere, 25% tax is charged in many restaurants and cafes.
Have dinner at Northfield Restaurant in the Thamel area.. There will be a pleasant dinner next to a cozy wood fire accompanied by Nepali music.

Entrance fee to all Durbar squares.
Kathmandu Durbar Square : 750 rs.
Bhaktapur Durbar Square : 1100 rs.
Patan Durbar Square : 500 rs.

Eat jujudhav yogurt in Bhaktapur. We should have paid 25 rs for 3 yogurts, but because we are tourists we paid 150 rs

Eat Daal Bhaat. It’s like Indian Thali.

Eat Momo. A dish resembling a tibetan dumpling. Vegetable, buffalo meat, chicken options are available. A little spicy and bitter.

During the time we were in Kathmandu, we made kora in Buddhist temples, translated mantras and sent our wishes to the universe in the fastest way, we worshiped according to God in Hindu temples :), We photographed the most beautiful examples of Newari architecture, followed closely the funerals of the cremated dead in accordance with Hinduism, practiced their rituals, respectively, Svayambhu Mahachaitya (Monkey Temple) temple, Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, Bhaktapur, Changu Narayan Temple, Kathmandu and Patan Durbar Squares. SummaryArticle NameNepale ArrivalDescriptionAfter our tiring and intense trip to India, we got out of the chaos and arrived in Nepal, where we said “oh there is a world”. We had a comfortable journey with a 55-minute flight from Kathmandu Ya Varanasi, the capital of Nepal.. Nepal is 3 hours and 20 minutes ahead of Turkey and 15 minutes ahead of India.

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Gdansk Travel Notes: Better Than Poland!




There are some places that I came across somewhere and noted down and I couldn’t wait to go… Here is such a special route for me in Gdansk

I have been on my master’s degree for almost a year. Since I live in Brescia, Italy, I plan to visit various cities in Europe in combination.. I chose Gdansk first and said I’d go to Norway from here, to Alesund…

Gdansk Overview / Famous “Pencil Houses” of the City

My Plane Could Not Land in Gdansk

Here come the time, I went to Alesund and even got on the plane to Gdansk on the way back!

Oh what a plane ride…

While getting on I knew there was 55 km/h wind in Gdansk but I guessed it would be okay. But we couldn’t land on our first try, it passed, the plane was rocking like a cradle!

I Shared Those Moments We Couldn’t Land in Gdansk on Instagram @gorkemliyollarcom

An airstrip I was on for the first time in my life he had to pass, luckily the pilot managed to land in Gdansk on our second attempt…

It wasn’t a very good start, but I’m welcome Poland

Trying to go to Gdansk Glowny <

Finally Gdansk!

If the plane landed so hard, you should also think below, it’s as if I don’t come from the Norwegian fjords but went there, it’s so cold, wind, rain all together…

Since I got off at 10 pm anyway, I’m in trouble to go to my hostel and sleep You can actually reach the center directly from Gdansk Walesa airport by bus. But the buses after 11 o’clock leave at a different station called Wrzeszcz, and from there you reach the central Gdansk Glowny train station by commuter train.

That’s exactly how I got to the city and my hostel, but thanks to the Polish, who helped me while I was waiting for the bus. Thanks to a college couple…

Hello Gdansk / My First View in the City / Going to a Hostel

About Gdansk

Good morning from Gdanks!

This is Poland’ A city located on the Baltic Sea in the north of. Actually I visited all the Baltic countries and I loved it very much, but they said to Gdansk that this is Poland, you are not exactly Baltic

I mean this is Poland but Gdansk I think It’s even more beautiful than Poland…

Morning Hours / Walking By Motlawa

I’ve visited the capital Warsaw before, but now Gdansk is getting me pretty excited, let’s see what we’ll see…

Since my hostel is located at the northern end of the city, I also start walking from the riverside towards the center.

Yes, Gdansk is a typical Baltic city… I say that this city also has islands, rivers and plenty of water


Too Much Wind, But Not Without a Selfie

The Spirit of Gdansk: Motlawa River

Our River is Motlawa!

If I follow the Motlawa river, Gdansk’ It means I can almost completely tour the city. Because the city consists of this city and the small islands it surrounds.

First of all, when I come across a beautiful Gdansk text, she says OK. um I’m in the right place…

I Love Those City Names You Must See Me To Understand The Wind…

The Famous Cute Pencil Houses of Gdansk

The first thing I want to tell you in Gdansk is actually Houses that make up the unique architecture of this city.

In fact, although you can see similar ones in other cities of Germany and Poland in general, the ones here are more characteristic.. Thin and long, crooked, colorful houses like pencils!

Famous Pencil Houses of Gdansk / I Found This Name If I Found It In The Sun From The Tip, A Selfie Immediately…

And to the bottom aren’t they built?

Sweetly narrowing the top floors…

I admit that I saw the aerial view of these house-filled streets and fell in love with Gdansk and I thought I should see it. . Yes, maybe I won’t be able to see it from the air, but I’ll still see it.

“The top floors, which narrow down sweetly…”

There Could Be A Modern Building Without Destroying The City!

But here it is one thing to visit and see another photo of it.. The photos did not have modern siblings of these typical Gdansk houses either!

Yes, as a civil engineer, I noticed the modern buildings in Gdansk from the very first minute. Because the modern structures here are “we are modern” They don’t smirk They went and built with a nice modern interpretation of architecture similar to their old brothers.

I can’t say I’m not impressed with this work, Gdansk can still be visited after 50 years…

Modern Gdansk Houses I Like Very Much, There Are Some More Futuristic As Well… These Also Provided a Nice Transition / Modern-Old

Is Crane One Of The Attractions In Gdansk?

Now by the riverside While walking on the promenade called “Deptak Nadwodny”, I see one of the first things that come to mind when I think of places to visit in Gdansk.

What is that Crane?

Interesting place in Gdansk Crane The River And The Crane Look Better Here

Yes “Crane” is one of the interesting structures in Gdansk. This used to be a crane building used to load ships. If I said old, of course.. century is quite old The original state is destroyed, but the current one is worth seeing.

There is the Black Pearl of the pirates of the caribbean a little further ahead, there are nice photos, try it here…

Black Pearl is also here <

Like the Harry Potter Scene: Mariacka Street!

I’m diving down the river into Mariacka Street now

Mariacka at first sight became my favorite place in this city!

I feel like I’m on the street where I’m going to choose a wand for Hogwarts. “Hagrid, where do we get the wand?”

Can it be without a photo Mariacka Street

In Gdansk, you can feel an interestingly slightly British air; mysterious buildings painted in a depressing style, staircases in front of houses small courtyards and magnificent artistic details…

These small courtyard houses on Mariacka Street are boutique shops! Local products, gifts or jewellery, whatever you are looking for. All meticulously furnished with excellent details, this place can be studied for a few hours.

Magnets Here from the Map Detailed Shops in Mariacka Are So Sweet

Across the river side of the street, the huge St.. Mary’s Church…

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most magnificent buildings in the city, you can go inside and have a look at it.. Mary’s Church Is Also Visible

The Rain Follows Me

Just at that moment I’m being caught in the rain!

If it rains, I have a solution; raincoat and my umbrella…

Now it’s time where the heart of Gdansk beats; Long Sunday!

Long Sunday With Shaking Rain

Long Sunday

Long Sunday ie Długi Targ is a classic Polish style market-square. I don’t know why these guys built such thin and long squares, but it happened

As the name suggests, this is a long market area. If I said market, it means small peddlers and generally the shops lined up along the square, better if I say square…

Long Market / Długi Targ

You can see the most beautiful of the typical cute pencil houses of Gdansk that I mentioned in the Long Market.. The ones here are a little more historical and have wonderful decorations.

Also, I think the most eye-catching structure of the square is Gdansk Town Hall.

Gdansk Town Hall with its golden inlaid tower and legendary beauty. The clock may be the most magnificent structure in this city!

The Long Market and the Magnificent Gdansk Town Hall

Gdansk, the City of Gates

My market is at one end of the street, the Golden Gate is at the riverside end there is also the Green Door…

I forgot to mention; Gdansk is the city of gates

You can often see these gates in the old city centre.. It is generally built like 2-3 storey private buildings and has arch-shaped openings from the inside and you enter and exit the square and the street from there.. Especially the Golden Gate is another beautiful one, don’t miss it…

I’ll be visiting soon The Golden Gate / The surprise is gone! The Sun Is Clearly Opening The Gates of Gdansk: This Green Gate by the River

Is it a Rainbow?

And these gates are rain shields for me! Because I’m stuck at the door leading to the river from Long Market, it’s raining heavily

But a few minutes later, “the sun?”

If there’s rain and sun, let the rainbow come !

My Rain Shield Behind the Green Door I Watch Gdansk with Rain and Sun; Delicious!

Things suddenly turn upside down in Gdansk, it’s sunny now

The weather in the city has really changed with the sun and rainbow. Those depressing houses have turned into bright spring colors, now It’s time to wander the streets and take photos a lot.

The Rainbow Has Arrived Can I Pass Such An Unforgettable Moment Without A Photograph? This Is The Back Side

Gdansk’s Islands

I set foot on one of Gdansk’s islands from the Green Bridge in front of the Green Gate. I say island, but it is a part of the city I say so only because rivers run on both sides.

This is also a very touristic area, but it is under construction for now, that catches my attention the most. lots of mobile sweet sellers I see around. Poland’s sugary pastry desserts are in vain, definitely try it!

Here’s the Island for You Just Kidding The River Divides A Wonderful Street I Discovered, Find It “Poland’s Candy Sweets pastry desserts of all kinds”

“The cafes of this city are very nice”

I want to have a snack and rest now. Şso that I can have a little view so that I can both fill my stomach and watch the city

Eat a great boutique pancake shop called “Pan Kejk” on the Long Market I came. There is everything to eat and drink here, and you won’t believe the prices. I got a great sandwich, salad and unlimited coffee for only 15-20 zloty.

I Need to Have a Rest and Eat Something / “Pakejk” Gdansk

Time to enjoy sunny Gdansk. I pass the Golden Gate at the upper end of the Long Market and open to the modern part of the city.

There is a triumphal arch-like gate and another historical building behind the Golden Gate.. You have now reached the wide streets of Gdansk here.

Gdansk Became Another Beautiful When The Sun Comes Out The Golden Gate I Just Mentioned Gdansk Houses Also Shine Differently!

A Little Out of the City, The Environment Is Different

There is a huge modern shopping mall right across the street. It is also possible to see socialist-style buildings when you go to a little bit further in the city. Gdansk dates back to different historical periods. It is a city that has witnessed it too.

I am now finishing my sightseeing in Gdansk.. You might think that this city is an atmospheric place anyway, and all its streets and avenues are special in general, so I say go everywhere

The Other Side of the Golden Gate and the Starting Point of the Modern City, The Shopping Center Just Opposite the Long Market , Trams and Wide Streets A Little Beyond the Shrin You Can See These Types of Buildings Now Some Gdansk Travel Tips!

My Travel Tips to Gdansk

“Gorkem, give me some tricks about Gdansk”

  • The city has a whole architecture. explore on foot.
  • Try local sweet pastries.
  • Don’t miss the details at Mariacka.
  • I I couldn’t do it, but Poland’s nightlife and beers must be tried.
  • Get out of the city and discover different tracks in Gdansk.

I Couldn’t Have Had This Details of Gdansk Worth Discovering Sometimes You Know Before You Take the Perfect Photo My Unforgettable Gdansk and Rainbow Photograph / Poland

So Many Places to Visit in Poland!

It was a trip that met my expectations. I had high expectations when I came to Gdansk and it didn’t make any profit. It’s a very different place, especially from Warsaw.. Let’s see, I’ll have trips to Krakow and Katowice next month…

For now, I’m going back to Brescia. That’s all I have to say about Gdansk, I’m waiting for your questions in the comments section, best regards!

Continuation of the article: Alesund, Norway Travel Notes

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